Water Tank Bank

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We were standing on the roof of a Manhattan office building about to jump. But as we stood at the precipice, we began to notice all sorts of little things -- the way the oil slick glistened off the East River... the satisfying crunch of colliding taxis far below... the melodic wheeze of asthmatic pigeons clinging to the window ledge; But more than anything else, we noticed all the Water Tanks. Everywhere we looked, there were wooden, cone-topped cylinders gracing the tops of NYC buildings.They were charming and -- odd as it may sound -- those water towers saved our life. As much as the city has changed around them, those determined little water tanks have endured. Through good time and bad. Through times of war and peace, those Water Tanks lived on. And if they could do it, why not us? (Maybe we were just looking for an excuse not to jump. Who knows. It made sense at the time.)With this in mind, you can imagine why we love the Tank Bank so much. These beautifully-made banks capture the essence of NYC Water Tanks. They stand about 7-inches tall, and are constructed from wood and metal, just like the real thing.The Tank Bank is as much a work of FOLK ART as it is a bank. We used to have one at Stupid Headquarters, but somebody stole it. Proving, once and for all that this is a tankless job.(And with that awful pun, we're heading back up to the roof.)

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