Shock Ball Shocking Party Game

Click to get Shock Ball Shocking Party Game Item ID: #15172
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Just what the world needs right now, another sphere of pain! This plastic SHOCK BALL is 2-1/2 inches in diameter and has half-inch metallic pods circumventing its, er, circumference. There are many games you can play with the Shock Ball, none of them pleasant. (and some, downright sadistic) One of the games that uses this happy fella is based on ?Hot Potato.? (Although, who can afford food these days, let alone a precious potato!) The game begins when any number of players pass or toss the SHOCK BALL to the person next to or across from them. Suddenly, without warning, the BALL will glow red three times, at the same time emitting a thoroughly nasty SHOCK (thus, living up to its moniker). And as folks are shocked, they are eliminated from the game (and from life itself, if they dont heed the ?do not use if you wear a pacemaker? warning). Another game suggested on the packaging is called ?Tough Guy,? where the player who can hold the painful, zapping spheroid the longest wins. (Wins the Award for the Stupidest Player, we suppose.) SHOCK BALL requires 2 Triple-A batteries, which are NOT included. However, it DOES come with an activation key to (thank goodness!) turn on and turn off the JOLTS! So you can play the same games without the pain, should you so choose. PS _ There is absolutely NO truth to the rumors that this is the very same product originally sold in Europe (but banned in the U.S.) under the trademarked name of ?LAP-ZAPPER!? * Oops, please forget we wrote that. Classified!

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