
Click to get MistletoeToGo Item ID: #2762
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Are you tired of watching other guys (or gals) get all the action at Christmas parties? We've got your fix! It's an attractive arrangement of faux mistletoe attached to a suction cup. When you affix the suction cup to your forehead, the mistletoe is perfectly positioned to dangle above your head. As you roam the room, members of the opposite sex will have no choice but to give you a holiday kiss. They have to do it... it says so in the Bible! * Get your breath mints out, slick back your hair, and prepare your lips for some yuletide puckerin'. (*Nelson, our resident Biblical scholar, just pointed out that there's no actual mention of mistletoe in the New or Old Testament. He's never wrong, which is one of the reasons he's so annoying"

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