Gourmet Xmas Smencils

Click to get Gourmet Xmas Smencils Item ID: #15509
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Many holidays are closely associated with aromas. For instance, the smells of Easter brings to mind chocolate bunnies and fresh-cut flowers. On St. Patrick's Day, we have the aroma of shamrocks, beer, and puke. But without a doubt, more smells are associated with Christmas than any other holiday. And Gourmet Xmas Smencils miraculously capture the very essence of Christmas and puts them in pencils. These high-quality pencils are infused with scents of SUGAR PLUM, CANDY CANE, SUGAR COOKIES, GINGERBREAD, and CINNAMON. You'll be amazed at how accurate and durable the scents are. In fact, the geniuses behind Smencils guarantees that the pencils will maintain their scent for TWO YEARS! Imagine writing a letter as you're rewarded with the aroma of Gingerbread. Or picture yourself drawing as the delightful smell of Sugar Plums dances in your nostrils. (Okay, it doesn't sound appealing NOW. But trust us, it's really nice.) The Gourmet Xmas Smencils comes in a special package of five pencils, with each Smencil in its own own plastic tube. Frankly, we can't imagine a better stocking stuffer this holiday season. And if you're a real Scrooge, you can even open the package and give the individual Smencils to five different people.

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