Drip Clips Paper Clip Sink

Click to get Drip Clips Paper Clip Sink Item ID: #2719
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For friends who own everything but the kitchen sink, here's your gift solution -- Give them the bathroom sink! Drip Clips is a miniature sink that's a cleverly designed paper clip holder. It stands about 4" high, and 4" wide, and looks like a classy, old-fashioned sink. There's a magnet hidden in the faucet, and special drop-shaped paper clips to complete the effect. (common paperclips will work, too) We've seen all sorts of pencil cups and paper clip holders, but never one as peculiar as Drip Clips. It comes in an eye-catching transparent box, and 25 "water drop blue" paper clips are included. It seems to be made out of plastic and polyresin. (The clips and magnet are metal, of course.)

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