Toilet Monster

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Helen, our receptionist, has threatened to quit. "I've put up with your disgusting chickens and flying monkeys, but this time you've gone too far! she screamed. What got Helen so riled up? We decided to test out the Toilet Monster in the Stupid Ladies Room, and poor Helen was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We feel badly for Helen, but at the same time we're THRILLED that the Toilet Monster worked so well. Good receptionists are difficult to find, but products as cool as this are priceless! The Toilet Monster is a horrid creature that attaches to the inside of your toilet bowl. When the lid is closed, he is completely hidden. But when a poor, unsuspecting person lifts the lid, the Toilet Monster pops out to greet them! Yeah, this is an EVIL thing. We feel guilty every time a scream comes from the bathroom... And once we stop laughing, we usually offer a heartfelt apology. You should be ashamed of yourself for even considering buying one. Have fun!

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