Miniature Lighthouse Masterpiece - Painting by Don Joslyn

Click to get Miniature Lighthouse Masterpiece  Painting by Don Joslyn Item ID: #19062
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So Michelangelo painting a ceiling... big deal. Anyone can paint something BIG, but it takes a real genius to paint something SMALL. And that's where artist Don Joslyn comes in -- This Maine folk artist has mastered the fine art of micro fine art. These beautiful Miniature Masterpieces simply defy the imagination. For, not only are they beautiful, but they are smaller than a dime! The above illustration is not a special effect -- We did not Photoshop it or alter it in any way. The paintings are actually that size. Don Joslyn painstakingly paints each one by hand. We don't know how he does it, but we marvel at the results -- These paintings are breathtaking (if something less than 1/2" tall can be breathtaking). They're not just dabs of paint, mind you. Rather, they're beautifully balanced compositions, full of remarkable detail and clever artistic choices. Don Joslyn signs and dates the back of each painting, because there's simply no room to put his signature on the front. We're offering two themes -- Landscapes and Lighthouse Seascapes. It's too late to commission a Michelangelo, but you can buy a painting from another great master right here at We guarantee you'll love it and show it to everyone who walks into your home or office.

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