Marshmallow Pop

Click to get Marshmallow Pop Item ID: #15400
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For the most part, we hate camping. We don't like bugs. We don't like sleeping on the ground. And we don't like peeing behind a tree and hoping a bear doesn't wander over and eat us. But one thing we really DO love about camping is toasting marshmallows over an open fire! Mmmmm-mmmmmm. Give us a twig and a package of Jet-Puffs, park us in front of an open flame, and we're in sugar heaven. We love them so much, we usually can't even wait for them to cool off. But a scalded, blistering tongue is a small price to pay for such a sweet delight. And now here's Marshmallow Pops! It looks like a marshmallow on the end of a twig, but it's actually a marshmallow-flavored lollipop! Each Marshmallow Pop measures about 1-1/4" (not including the plastic twig). So no need to hike out into the wilderness, you can enjoy a Marshmallow Pop no matter where you are.

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