Magic Growing Snowman

Click to get Magic Growing Snowman Item ID: #3166
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How'd you like to build a snowman without getting cold and wet? Or even going OUTSIDE for that matter. You don't even need snow. All you need is this amazing Growing Snowing kit. Your snowman begins as sort of a skeleton made of a special twist-tie material. He has a scarf, a hat, arms, and a plastic stand -- but no snow whatsoever. To make the magic happen, you have to pour secret magic liquid into the base. Then things start to get weird. In about an hour, you will notice little crystals beginning to form on the snowman's skeleton. Wait 3 or 4 more hours, and you'll definitely notice that your snowman is beginning to look more normal. After 12 hours, and your new snowman will have a thick, round coating of snowlike crystals. It's that easy and it really works. We promise. Your Magic Snowman will last about 3 or 4 days, so long as you don't toss it around or stick it in the microwave oven.

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