How To Drive Like A Maniac Book

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Have you ever witnessed a driver weaving in and out of traffic while talking on the phone and doing a Soduko puzzle and thought yourself, "Gee, I wish I could do that!" Well, being able to drive like a maniac is not some god-given talent -- You can actually learn to do it. And this amazing book will show you how. With "How To Drive Like A Maniac's" easy-to-read, step-by-step guidance, you'll learn how to intimidate, annoy, and even terrorize your fellow drivers -- Not to mention those lowly pedestrians. Inside the 92-page hardcover book, you'll find such chapters as: Rules of The Road: They Don't Apply To You They're All Idiots: Getting Into The Maniac Mindset Communication: Horns, Lights, Hand Gestures The book is chock-full of useful, real life driving situations. Take this one for example: ?Idiot drivers will often find themselves unexpectedly in a lane thatás exiting. Theyáll usually signal to try to get back into a through-lane. Donát fall for this plea; instead, try to match their speed and force them to exit the freeway, because thatás one less idiot for you to deal with.? So if you always wanted to drive like a maniac but didn't know how to get started, here's your opportunity to become a master menace. And when you do, don't bother to thank us. Just honk your horn.... we'll know it's you.

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