Fear Factor Gross Out Platters

Click to get Fear Factor Gross Out Platters Item ID: #15426
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Delectable and delicious to only the most fearless, these gummy platters will push you to the brink...the brink of stupidity that is. These glossy and colorful gummy bites are a far cry from the namesake dishes they represent. Four different platters in all? Gross-Out Gummy Pig-Out Platter - Mmmmm.... Pig Parts! Gross-Out Gummy Spaghetti - Slimy candy worms with candy coagulated blood balls! Gross-Out Gummy Pizza - Crunchy candy fish eyes, worms, and stinky cheese. Gross-Out Gummy Breakfast - Candy liquified protein shake, duck egg, and silkworm cereal. Flavors include bacon, cheddar cheese, tomato, pepperoni, lemon, lime, tropical fruit, sour grape, strawberry, butter, and chocolate.

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