Eyeball on Fork Lollipop

Click to get Eyeball on Fork Lollipop Item ID: #15268
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All right, if you haven"t been accustomed to repulsive and bizarre but delicious Candy yet you"re out of luck. These little Lollipops glisten like a glossy Eyeball atop a Fork for your licking pleasure. Sick? Absolutely. Delicious? Absolutely. Tasteful? Ya right. Enjoy these Lollipops as people stare, scowl and perhaps vomit. Let them watch you slather your tongue all over these mixed fruit flavored Lollipops. After they"ve watched you eat this treat, then whip out another one of our Candies. Perhaps, the Urine Sample candy or Gummy Fetus will suit the occasion. You"ll have the most delicious goodies of your life and everyone else will undergo therapy as a result.

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