Backwards Watch

Click to get Backwards Watch Item ID: #15279
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This watch drives me crazy. I wear it because it's so weird and I love showing it to people. But it's a constant CHALLENGE to tell the time with it. Look at the photo on the left. Can you tell what time it is? It's actually 10:22 (I think). Not only do the numbers on the face appear in reverse order, but the hour hand, minute hand, and second hand MOVE BACKWARDS -- counterclockwise! The Backwards Watch is 1-1/4" round and has a quality quartz movement. (so it keeps accurate time, if you can figure out what time it's displaying) It's has a genuine leather strap, a chrome metal case, and its concentric-circle design makes it as cool-looking as it is strange. It comes in a nice box, too. Nice and NORMAL. If you like peculiar watches that are conversation starters, the Backwards Watch is for you. Oh, I have to go... I'm late for an appointment. Or maybe I'm early for an appointment. I'm just not sure.

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