Wizard of Oz: Scarecrow Mr. Potato Head

Click to get Wizard of Oz Scarecrow Mr Potato Head Item ID: #15656
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The Wizard is peeking out from behind the curtain to checkout this Scarecrow. This Mr. Potato Head Scarecrow is definitely a sight to be seen. He's skipped the corn fields and popped right outta the Potato Patch. Nonetheless he's just as charismatic as all the Oz characters. So he's missing a brain, we don't mind. We're all practically missing one of them things too. It's all good, we'll just travel down the yellow-brick road until we find what we're looking for. And it's all good as long as we keep this Scarecrow away from fire, hungry horses, and french-friers. Based on the classic Mr. Potato Head Toy, we love that we can remove all his features and get a bald, little Potato to play with.

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