The Butt Face Collection

Click to get The Butt Face Collection Item ID: #14969
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The Classic Butt/Face Collection is here to wipe away all your problems! Problems like using the same side of the towel, sponge, or soap to clean both your mug and your bum! These hygienically organized items will allow you to maintain better care of your precious assets. The Butt/Face Towel is very soft to the touch and let's you know where to put what in bold, embroidered letters. The Ass/Face Sponge does the same, keeping the suds in the right spots. The Butt/Face Soap is the best of both worlds because it has you smelling great and feeling clean. If only your behind could talk, we're sure it would say: "Thank you for not making me share the same side of the Towel with that Face!"

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