Hairy Thing Keychain

Click to get Hairy Thing Keychain Item ID: #15260
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Hairy ThingkeychainSo, we got these things here in the office and and everyone's asking, "What the hell are they?" Some folks are saying theyÆre supposed to be Z-Z Top, and some people are saying, ôCousin It from the Addams Family!ö But the carton they came in just say ôHairy Thingsö, so we're gonna go with that . TheyÆve got red hats, cool sunglasses, and come in a colorful variety of long, stringy rubber ôhairö. They stand (if they COULD stand, that is) 4-inches tall. And, best of all, theyÆre fun to play with.Hairy Thing will be your keysÆ new best friend!

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