GummyGoods Keychain: Yellow

Click to get GummyGoods Keychain Yellow Item ID: #16125
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Ahhhhhhh. Gummy Bears. Doesn't your mouth water just thinking about them? Well, if you're THAT kind of Gummy Bear fanatic, then we've got the perfect trinket for you: GummyGoods Light-Up Keychains. Not only do they resemble the classic chewy childhood candy, but they also light up! That's right, each GummyGoods Light-Up Keychain contains tiny-but-powerful, long-lasting LEDs that light up when you squeeze their tummies. Attach them to your keys or zipper and you can brighten up anything, anytime, anywhere you go. The key chains also make a great stocking stuffer for kids that carry around a set of keys, or attach them to their book bag so they can have the power of gummy light anytime. GummyGoods Light-Up Keychains come in five different flavors: Clear, Green, Orange, Red, and Yellow.

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