Guitar Pick Holder Necklace

Click to get Guitar Pick Holder Necklace Item ID: #15481
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There is a thin line between hard rocker and just plain Stupid. We're here to help you walk that line. This unique Pick Holder Necklace is almost as detailed as a real Guitar. At any moment's notice you can whip out your pick and play till early morning! If you're at a concert and the band pulls you up on stage, you'll be ready to jam. You're a celebrity rock star with a pick in hand. The guitar has a metal body with an extra long 30" ball chain. Customize the length of the ball chain to wear or even use as a keychain. It can also be used to hold your our own standard 351 style picks. Works for Thin, Medium and Heavy picks. Music fans will go wild for this super cool accessory unlike any other!

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