2015 Awkward Family Photos Day-to-Day Calendar

Click to get 2015 Awkward Family Photos DaytoDay Calendar Item ID: #18432
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This massacre of good intentions will leave you laughing for days... perhaps even a full year. There are so many bad photos that you'll never question your own photo direction again. Get ready for some deer in the headlights, photo-bombacious, awkward posing, ill-dressed fun!

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Breakfast at Tiffany's Gold Necklace Bookmark
Run Run The Singing Elf
Mo' Money, Mo' Problems Coin Purse
Keep Calm and Buy Shoes Bookmark
Hey Bitches! Gum
So Many Beers Puzzle
Humpty-Dumpty Lavatory Mist
Christmas Tree in Your Pocket
Operation Game: Nightmare Before Christmas
Boot Christmas Stockings